How it works
The TitanHQ Reputation system is an adaptive and automatic listing system, that calculates an IP address email senders reputation based on the number of mails flagged as clean or spam on the SpamTitan's that feed the system. Every IP that sends mail to one of our server's is logged, and depending on the volume of clean vs. spam mail sent, a reputation (and a listing) is automatically calculated.
Determination of which level of listing an IP is on is an automatic process due to reputation calculations. No IP is manually listed.
Each instance of a clean or spam mail lives for only 12 hours, and each IP address reputation score is recalculated on a rolling basis. This means an IPs reputation will only stay positive if within the last 12 hours, it has sent majority clean mail. It's reputation can drop to a negative listing if it sends an abundance of spam within the last 12 hours.
How did I get listed?
Every IP address that passes through a SpamTitan feed system is listed. The IP address reputation score depends on how many mails were sent to a customer of ours from that IP address that were considered clean or spam. If an IP address is listed on a B list, then it has been caught sending a large volume of spam or unwanted e-mails to our customers.
There are eight levels of lists, and here is quick explanation of each:
  • White: An IP on the Whitelist should struggle to be marked as Spam
  • W3: An IP on the W3 list is very likely sending only clean mail
  • W2: An IP on the W2 list is likely sending clean mail
  • W1: An IP on the W1 list may have sent some clean, some spam, or just not enough mail, but is more likely sending clean mail
  • B1: An IP on the W1 list may have sent some clean, some spam, or just not enough mail, but is more likely sending spam mail
  • B2: An IP on the W2 list is likely sending spam mail
  • B3: An IP on the W3 list is very likely sending only spam mail
  • Black: An IP on the Blacklist should be blocked at the MTA level
Classification of an IP address reputation is dependent on the classification of what is or is not Spam as determined by our customers. Determination of a virus is handled by ClamAV and Kaspersky.
Lookup and Request Reputation Review
You can lookup an IP reputation score using the tool below:

How can I use it?
The TitanHQ Reputation List is currently only available to SpamTitan Cloud and Private Cloud customers. If you are a Cloud customer, it is already in use. If you are a Private Cloud customer and would like access, you may open a Support Ticket requesting access.
If you aren't a SpamTitan customer, you can sign up for a free trial.